My role on the Customer Forum: Ensuring the customer comes first

14 July 2017 Reading time: 3 mins

Making sure the customer drives the way we operate and the business decisions we make has always been a priority of ours here at Business Stream. It is only by adopting a customer-centric approach that our customers will receive the service they deserve and we will succeed as a business.

I’m therefore delighted to have been appointed to the new Customer Forum, set up to ensure customers’ interests are at the heart of Scottish Water’s business planning process for the 2021-27 period. The Forum has been set up by the Scottish water regulator, the Water Industry Commission for Scotland, in collaboration with the Consumer Futures Unit at Citizens Advice Scotland. A key objective is for the forum to work with Scottish Water to agree service level priorities and levels of charges that deliver best value for customers.

Whilst water and waste water are often taken for granted, the Forum ensures that customers have the opportunity to influence how these services are provided – and at what cost. By understanding what customers want and their views on current service delivery, we can work with Scottish Water to ensure its Business Plan is fit for purpose and truly delivers for customers. And whilst 2021 may feel far away at the moment, we all know it will come round quickly!

This is my second time on the Customer Forum, having been a member of the first Customer Forum which was set up to help shape Scottish Water’s business plan for the 2015-21 period. Speaking from experience, the establishment of the Forum was ground-breaking, providing a unique opportunity to bring the customers voice to the table, when key decisions were being made.  The new Forum has been established to continue, and where possible, improve on the good work from last time, with an increased focus this time on ethical regulation.  I’m looking forward to playing a key role in ensuring the customer is at the heart of Scottish Water’s next business plan.







Jo Dow - Chief Executive Officer